Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Magnitudes of Lies

When you lie, lie big and if it is big enough people will make it the truth. Explanation is that, all of lie but we can comprehend a lie to a certain degree beyond which we cannot differentiate it from the truth. It’s basically like philosophy because its thinking beyond our limitations. If we understand a part of it we will dispute it or we spend all our energy fighting to bring it some meaning. Lying is the same, it’s only up to a certain degree up to which we can point it out and say it’s a lie. A little above that degree will confuse us and we may dispute it but once it crosses that limit we will accept it without a question being asked.
Level 1 lies – George Bush is an intelligent man – Ha ha will anyone agree
Level 2 lies – Oswald killed Kennedy not the CIA – Disputable and confusing
Level 3 lies – People who believed that a God carried the sun from one end of the sky to the other and brought back the moon in the night actually built the Pyramids

So when you lie lie so big that you yourself will believe it. You will be a legend
Why is Hitler’s picture above this scrap? It was his thinking

1 comment:

Vicky Nanjappa said...

However it should not become a case of " You lie so much that you beleive yourself."